
Michael undertook his formal training under the tutelage of Spinto Soprano Maestra Anna Ryan. The story of how this came to be is rather serendipitous. During his first year of studies in Vienna in 2008, Michael had seen Ms. Ryan perform in concert with Mr. Liao Changyong at The Wiener Musikverein. Ms. Ryan was the special guest artist that evening. But it wasn’t until 2010, where they formally met via the introduction of a mutual friend. From then on Michael officially started his journey as an opera singer.


David Holzinger and Michael Lóng met during their studies under Maestro Maksimilijan Cenčić. After being introduced via the maestro and encouraged to work together, David and Michael established a deep trust and cultivated a friendship throughout the year of rehearsals and collaborations. The performance of their Master Class Symphony Concert compelled fervent praise and was received with much acclaim.


During his studies with Ms. Ryan, Michael often attended Maestro Cenčić’s opera class to observe and close-study the rehearsals. His enthusiasm and diligence gained him notice from the maestro, who then offered to Michael an apprenticeship at the State Opera. Under the guidance and direction of Maestro Cenčić’, Michael performed widely in Vienna, Ljubljana and Celje.

This career tells all young people who pursue art and dreams that this is not only an ideal, but also a career. Like any major or job, you should have a clear goal on the road to study, make a plan that suits you, and overcome obstacles, fears, and confusion. And insecurities, learn a skill and realize your dreams.


In the following years, Michael continued to serve as the Soloist for Gala Concerts with the prestigious Vienna Royal Orchestra, Vienna Kaiser Orchestra, and Vienna Classical Concert Strauss & Mozart Konzert in Kursalon, to name a few. Within five years, he has performed in a record of over 500 concerts in Vienna. For a young Chinese vocal artist, this is an unprecedented feat and figure in the global classical performance market.


In the summer of 2015, Michael received an emergency call from the Vienna Imperial Orchestra three hours before a scheduled concert - they were looking for a replacement soloist. A cocktail of excitement, adrenaline, and a can-do attitude put Michael in the hot-seat, and before a very impressed orchestra manager, whose troubles had been saved by a dazzling performance. In efforts to extend the fortuitous moment into a more permanent contract, he immediately expressed an interest to sign Michael.


In tandem with developing his soloist career, and in efforts to continue to expand his operatic world, Michael followed the footsteps of many predecessors, and formally entered the opera house as part of the chorus. From 2018-2019, having succeeded in auditions for Vienna Volksoper and Vienna State Opera, Michael landed a contract for a total of six opera performances in the following year. In addition, he performed in three operas and a Requiem Mass at the Salzburg Festival, including Verdi’s Requiem, conducted by Riccardo Muti, Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra, conducted by Valery Gergiev, and Verdi’s Luisa Miller, conducted by James Conlon and starring Plácido Domingo. This experience placed Michael onto a world-class opera stage for the first time, after which his own career soon ushered in the first wave of success.

C.E.M reminds us every day that music has changed not only our lives, but the lives of thousands of our young people, providing them with a hopeful future.


Michael Lóng's pursuit of art and career can be said to be self-absorbed and almost paranoid, and there has never been any vacation or break in the five years from 2014 to 2018. Finally, this summer, I decided to put down my burden for a short time and go back to China to visit my mother, who I miss dearly. Returning to Vienna immediately after a short 18-day summer vacation with my mother. Such persistence was worth it, the first success awaited him and David. After returning to Vienna, before the start of the autumn, I was planning to prepare for the winter employment at the Volksoper Vienna, but suddenly received a warm invitation from David in Germany to go to Frankfurt.


Because he was the last actor to join in the middle and late stages of the crew's preparations, he only had 23 days to study and rehearse before the premiere. This is also He Long's first exposure to modern opera. Facing the highly complex musical structure and varied melodies, it is a great challenge for young singers who lead the whole drama for the first time. The whole process is highly tense and exciting. David and He Long can only study and practice every morning in the remaining 23 days, and immediately rehearse what they have just learned in the afternoon. blood. In a later interview, He Long described their 23 days as if they had crossed the entire Sahara Desert. It was a completely unknown adventure, full of hardships, but at the same time, it also expanded his potential to quickly analyze and learn musical scores under high pressure. It was unimaginable before this.


The composer Mr. Eggert and the performance company invited David and He Long as guests again in April 2019 to attend and perform in the charity event held at the Frankfurt Youth School Theater where Mr. Eggert studied in his youth, and performed in A meeting was held on the spot. Because of the previous series of successes, David continued to receive invitations from the Austrian Tyrolean Music Festival, and the original team of "Caliban" staged the entire production again at the Tyrolean Music Festival's theatre in El. David directed and directed, and He Long starred. Before this, David had been helming the Tyrolean Festival for several years. In this performance, when the team had sufficient preparation time, they performed "Caliban" more maturely and wonderfully. As one of the oldest classical music festivals in Austria, the Tyrolean Music Festival has been reported and commented on by Austrian National HDTV and many local newspapers and media. The composer Mr. Eggert personally visited David and He Long before the performance, and expressed his love for the passion of the young couple at the celebration banquet, and also for his works to be able to be displayed in many theatres in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Delighted to perform.


David was invited by the German Youth Opera Production Company to preside over a modern opera project "Caliban" composed by the famous contemporary European composer Moritz Eggert. Koch co-directed the creation and performance of the entire work. This is an adaptation of The Tempest, Shakespeare's last solo work in the late period. The entire play was re-deconstructed and created with the character Caliban in the original work. , and supplemented by the arrangement techniques of modern opera. Because the whole project is very complicated and the preparation time is extremely limited, Caliban, the protagonist of the whole play, was supposed to be a baritone, but the change of his singing voice is very technically challenging. There are a lot of falsetto singing to imitate the tenor. Therefore, the team has not yet found a competent actor in the middle and late stages of preparation. Under the communication and strong recommendation of David and the composer, he invited his old partner He Long as the lead star who directed the opera.


All the effort was worth it, and the premiere at the Rüsselsheim Theater was a huge success. The creator and composer of the play, Mr. Eggert himself, not only participated in the entire production process, but also attended and took the stage as a guest in each performance. At the curtain call of the premiere, he praised "David has accomplished the impossible task as a conductor and leader" "Wonderful performance, Michael Long is a very talented young artist". Then they continued to stage the play again at the Aschaffenburg City Theater, which was also successful. Seven local German newspapers and online media published reviews and related reports.


In tandem with developing his soloist career, and in efforts to continue to expand his operatic world, Michael followed the footsteps of many predecessors, and formally entered the opera house as part of the chorus. From 2018-2019, having succeeded in auditions for Vienna Volksoper and Vienna State Opera, Michael landed a contract for a total of six opera performances in the following year. In addition, he performed in three operas and a Requiem Mass at the Salzburg Festival, including Verdi’s Requiem, conducted by Riccardo Muti, Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra, conducted by Valery Gergiev, and Verdi’s Luisa Miller, conducted by James Conlon and starring Plácido Domingo. This experience placed Michael onto a world-class opera stage for the first time, after which his own career soon ushered in the first wave of success.