Jörg Schneider

Born in Wels, tenor Jörg Schneider received his first musical training with the Vienna Boys' Choir. In 1995 he became a member of the ensemble of the Staatstheater Wiesbaden. From 1997-2000 he was a member of the ensemble at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein. His important appearances include David at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Steuermann in Rome, Verona and Brussels, Don Ottavio in Japan, Mozart Requiem at the Semperoper, Leukippos in Daphne in Barcelona, ​​Linz and Dresden, Belmonte at the Deutsche Oper Berlin and at the Maggio Musicale, Tamino in Florence, Flamand in Paris and in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Further performances have taken him to the Scala in Milan, the Salzburg Festival, Stuttgart, Turin, Zurich, Madrid, Baden-Baden and Hong Kong. In 2007 he became a member of the ensemble of the Vienna Volksoper. He made his debut in 1989 at the Vienna State Opera, of which he is a member of the ensemble today, and sang, among others, Tamino (»The Magic Flute«), Jaquino (»Fidelio«), Flamand (»Capriccio«), Alfred (»Die Fledermaus«), Froh (» Das Rheingold«), Narraboth (»Salome«), Elemér (»Arabella«), Herault de Sechelles (»Danton's Death«), Painter/Negro (»Lulu«), Beppo (»Pagliacci«), Aegisth (»Elektra« ), Lea's father (»Die Weiden«), Jaquino (»Fidelio« original version).

Mozart <The Magic Flute> Tamino
Mozart <The Magic Flute> Tamino
Vienna State Opera
R. Strauss <Salome> Narraboth
R. Strauss <Salome> Narraboth
Vienna State Opera
R. Wagner <The Flying Dutchman> Erik
R. Wagner <The Flying Dutchman> Erik
Vienna State Opera
Atrium - The Convention Center
Atrium - The Convention Center
Atrium - The Convention Center 2
Atrium - The Convention Center 2
Salzburg Concert
Salzburg Concert
Friends of the operetta honor Schubert
Friends of the operetta honor Schubert
Jörg Schneider Apple music Album
Jörg Schneider Apple music Album