Erina Nakasaku

gained her first music experiences at the liberal arts college Kobe in her birthplace Hyogo in Japan. In the class of Prof. Reiko Yamauchi she completed her Bachelor’s degrees in Piano Performances and in pedagogical studies Music Education — Voice and Instruments.

She continued to develop under the mentorship of Wiener Staatsoper conductor Maestro Maksimilijan Cenčić as an Opera coach at the Prayner Konservatorium in Vienna. 

After the graduation with distinction in 2007, Erina was immediately employed at the same educational music institution as a coach for the Opera repertoire, Conducting, Orchestra and Opera classes.

During and after her studies, she had the pleasure coaching the singing class of Prof. Brigitte Stradiot (IGP) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW) and being the coach assistant of Prof. Maksimilijan Cenčić at the Prayner Konservatorium in Vienna.

Since 2015 is Erina Nakasaku member as a pianist in the Vienna Baroque Orchestra (Wiener Barockorchester).

Between 2012 and 2013 she was chosen to be the official répétiteur of the Oscar Straus Singing Competition and Master Class (Oscar Straus Gesangs-Wettbewerb und Meisterkurs) in Vienna, where she could gather plenty of precious opinions and knowledge form the jury members, among others, Prof. KS Hilde Zadek, KS Adele Haas, KS Heinz Zednik, KS Herbert Prikopa.

Since 2012 is Erina unter the guidance of the Wiener Staatsoper soloist coach Kristin Okerlund and continuous collaboration with musicians and opera singers like  KS Ileana Cotrubaș, KS Gertrud Ottenthal, KS Walter Fink, Zoryana Kushpler, Anita Hartig, Roxana Constantinescu.

Erina Nakasaku performes since 2006 numerous concerts with various singers, chamber music, chamber orchestra in Austria, Germany (Gasteig), Finland, Belgium (European Parliament), Cyprus and Japan.